Copyright Images



An unfortunate dark area of selling any product is there is always a lowlife who will steal and copy your work.
Sadly, this happens at Soul Revolver. If you are looking for a leather jacket online, there is a chance you may come across our images being used without permission on other websites.

Other than our leather jacket photographs being stolen, sometimes our designs and even style names will be used instead. Then poor quality images of this inferior product will be taken on the cheap. They of course sell this knockoff jacket for less than our genuine Italian leather jackets. The jacket you receive will be made of poor quality leather, the cut will not fit you in the same tailored way as a Soul Revolver jacket and you run the risk of your personal information being comprimised, if they are stealing from companies, they will probably steal from you also. At the very least, they will sell your information as making a quick buck is at the forefront of their thinking.

We have been very succesful in removing our stolen work from other website via contacting the website host directly who have rules in place to combat copyright so as a warning - steal our work, and you risk losing your website business altogether unless you comply with your host. Amazon and eBay also have a process in place for us to have stolen images removed.

You will only find Soul Revolver leather jackets for sale here at, on Amazon under the seller name Soul Revolver and on eBay under the name soul_revolver_uk